Monday, June 12, 2017

HOW TO GET AN IBP ID? (local and National)


Next to passing the bar, signing the roll of attorneys, and getting your very own Roll number is the privilege of being able to acquire a small handy identification card that will exhibit the aforementioned facts (well, there’s being able to finally practice law, give legal advice, notarize, and all other cool stuff too though… but that’s not the point of this post) to anyone who dares question your certification… or your age. *curse your baby face!* 

So to save you from continuously defending yourself as an official adult AND/OR a lawyer, allow me to help you obtain an Integrated Bar of the Philippines Identification Card  (IBP ID Card), from the local and national office.

N.B. This is just a guide and that the process may vary depending on your local chapters.


This is what a local IBP ID looks like: 

 NOTE, that this local IBP ID might look different from other local IBP IDs of other chapters. They might differ in cost too. So you might as well just skip this part and make an inquiry from your local chapters directly. 

FIRST STEP. Go to the local IBP Office of the Chapter where you belong. (In Bohol, the IBP office is located just behind the Hall of Justice). There you will be given a form (the same form handed to you by the IBP personnel at the Supreme Court during your clearance). It’ll look something like this: 

SECOND STEP. Personally fill up the form. (Don't forget to ask for your IBP ID # from the personnel in charge)

THIRD STEP. Submit the following to the printing press/printing establishment ACCREDITED by your local IBP chapter. (In Bohol, it’s the Universal press located near University of Bohol):
1.       the filled-up form
2.       Two (2) 1x1 picture
3.       Three (3) Specimen of your signature

FOURTH STEP.  Pay the cost of printing. When I got mine in 2016, it cost P200.00.

FIFTH STEP. Await its release. The printing press will call you in a week or two to tell you that your ID is ready for pickup.


The New National IBP Card now looks like this: (it has an enhanced QR as a new security feature. You may also use this ID as a discount and privilege card for selected merchant partners using the MobKard App... IKR!! super cool!! ^_^ )

There are three ways I know of that you can obtain a National IBP ID: one, through your local IBP Chapter Office; second, by sending your application through mail or courier; third,by directly going to the National IBP Office.  I did the last.

If you opt to go through the local IBP Office, the time that you will have to wait will take longer than actually procuring it yourself at the national office for obvious reasons. The local IBP Office will have to mail the requirements to the national office, which will then process it, and once the ID has been made, it’ll be sent to you or back to the local office through mail. But this will of course cost less since you won’t have to spend for travel. (ask your local IBP office for more details)

If you want to send your application through mail or courier, you will have to provide a Special Power of Attorney to your agent or representative who shall present a valid identification card. In addition, your current IBP dues must be paid and all required data in the application form must be complete.

But if you’re keen on getting it personally at the national office or if you happen to be at the area, then follow the following process:


FIRST STEP. Go to the National IBP Office located at IBP Building, No.15 Doña Julia Vargas Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig City.

When I got there, there was an undergoing construction and I couldn’t find the proper entrance. I had to pass through a narrow alleyway to find an alternative. The office is not as conspicuous as you might think it would be. If this is still the case, feel free to ask for directions. There’s a 7/11 in the groundfloor of the building where a security guard is stationed, so go ahead and ask him.

SECOND STEP. Bring and/or present the following:
1.       Two (2) Valid Government IDs
2.       Your roll number  and, if you’re an IBP lifetime member, your IBP lifetime number (the IBP will no longer supply these data)
3.       Receipt of your current IBP contribution/fee/payment

THIRD STEP. Pay for your ID. When I got mine, it cost me P300.00.

FOURTH STEP. You will be asked to step on another room where your photograph and signature will be taken. So might I suggest that you wear something decent when you go there, lest you be photographed wearing a sando or tube top (not that they’d allow it).

FIFTH STEP. Wait for its release. It took not more than ten(10) minutes for my ID to be released, given that I was also the only one there.

The ID is renewable and expires in 2 years.

N.B. The National IBP trunklines: (02) 631-3014 and(02) 631-3018.

So there you have it. You can now flaunt your ID to the next person who’ll ask you, “abugado diay ka? Pila na diay edad nimo, doy?”

Hope this helps.

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