The Author

The author is a practicing lawyer, who began this law blog in 2011.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Case Digest: Ong vs. CA and Robles

G.R. no. 97347 Jaime Ong vs. Court of Appeals and Robles couple July 6, 1999 Facts: Petitioner Jaime Ong and respondents, Robles couple executed an “Agreement of Purchase and Sale” with regard to 2 parcels of land, on which a rice mill and a piggery were found and thus included.  The terms and conditions of the contract included an initial payment, payment for the loan of the sellers including interest, and the balance to be satisfied...

Case Digest: Go-tan vs. Tan

Sharica Mari Go-Tan vs. Spouses Perfecto and Juanita Tan G.R. No. 168852 September 30, 2008 Facts: Petitioner Sharica filed a Petition with Prayer for the Issuance of a Temporary Protective Order (TPO) against her husband,Steven, and her parents-in-law, Spouses Perfecto C. Tan and Juanita L. Tan (respondents) in violation of Section 5, paragraphs (e)(2)(3)(4), (h)(5), and (i) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9262, otherwise known as the "Anti-Violence...

Case Digest: People vs. Siera

Robert Siera vs. People G.R. No. 182941 July 3, 2009 Facts: Petitioner was found guilty of qualified rape. Ruling: In the case bar, the issue is no longer with regard to petitioner’s guilt but on his entitlement of exemption from criminal liability under R.A. 9344 since petitioner’s act of invoking such entitlement carried with it the admission of guilt. The Court held that petitioner’s minority during the commission of the crime and his...

Case Digest: People vs. Lalli

People vs. Lalli, et al G.R. No 195419 October 12, 2011 Facts: The respondents were found guilty in the consolidated case for Illegal Recruitment (Criminal Case no. 21930) and Trafficking in Persons. Ruling: The Court ruled against respondents with respect to Criminal Case no. 21930 for Illegal recruitment, reasoning that the inconsistency of the testimonies of respondents was more substantive than that of Lolita’s which...

Case Digest: People vs. Jacinto

G.R. No. 182239, March 16, 2011 PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES VS. HERMIE M. JACINTO, Facts: Appellant Hermie Jacinto was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt for the rape of the then 5-year-old victim. The crime was committed when appellant was only 17; Judgment was rendered when appellant was already 25. Issue: Whether or not, appellant may benefit from the provisions of RA9344 regarding criminal liability of an accused who was a minor...


G.R. No. 136154        February 7, 2001 DEL MONTE CORPORATION-USA, PAUL E. DERBY, JR., DANIEL COLLINS and LUIS HIDALGO,  vs. MONTEBUENO MARKETING, INC., LIONG LIONG C. SY and SABROSA FOODS, INC. RULING: The Court ruled the validity of the arbitration clause in the Contract between the contracting parties. However, the Court held that provisions in a contract are binding only between...

Case Digest: Sea-land Service, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC., vs. COURT OF APPEALS, A.P. MOLLER/MAERSK LINE and MAERSK-TABACALERA SHIPPING AGENCY (FILIPINAS), INC. [G.R. No. 126212. March 2, 2000] FACTS AND RULING: Florex was suing in its complaint under the provisions of the bill of lading issued to it by the principal carrier (AMML) and not the bill of lading issued by petitioner as containership operator. Florex, therefore had a proper cause of action against AMML....


[G.R. NO. 135362.  December 13, 1999] HEIRS OF AUGUSTO L. SALAS, JR vs, LAPERAL REALTY CORPORATION, et al RULING: The Court granted the petition by petitioners regarding the dismissal of the latter’s complaint for rescission of several sale transactions. The court held that rescission is an arbitrable issue, thus arbitration was necessary before a suit could be filed in court. The Court likewise held that the respondents other...

Case Digest: BF Corporation vs. CA

G.R. No. 120105 March 27, 1998 BF CORPORATION vs. COURT OF APPEALS, SHANGRI-LA PROPERTIES, INC., RUFO B. COLAYCO, ALFREDO C. RAMOS, MAXIMO G. LICAUCO III and BENJAMIN C. RAMOS RULING: The court sustained the Court of Appeals decision against petitioner, BF Corporation. The court upheld the propriety of the filing of the special civil action of certiorari by respondent, reasoning that what was in question was the alleged premature...

Case Digest: ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation vs. World Interactive Network Systems (WINS) Japan Cp., Ltd.

G.R. No. 169332 ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation vs. World Interactive Network Systems (WINS) Japan Cp., Ltd. FACTS: ABS-CBN filed a petition for review an arbitrator’s decision in the Court of Appeals. Respondent, on the other hand, filed a petition for confirmation in the RTC. RULING: It is the Regional Trial Court (formerly Court of First Instance) that has jurisdiction over questions relating to arbitration, including that of a...

Case Digest: Del Monte vs. CA

Del Monte vs. CA G.R. L-78325 FACTS: Del Monte sued respondent Sunshine Fruits Catsup for infringement, alleging that the latter was using a label having colorable similarity to petitioner’s label. Petitioner also assails the use of its bottles by respondent. RULING: The Court found Sunshine Fruits Catsup guilty of infringement, ruling that the Sunshine label is a colorable imitation of the Del Monte trademark. The Court stressed that...

Case Digest: Philippine Refining co vs. Ng Sam and Director of Patents

Philippine Refining co vs. Ng Sam and Director of Patents G.R. No. L-26676 July 30, 1982 FACTS: The sole issue raised in this petition for review of the decision of the Director of patents is whether or not the product of respondent, Ng Sam, which is ham, and those of petitioner consisting of lard, butter, cooking oil and soap are so related that the use of the same trademark "CAMIA" on said goods would likely result in confusion as to...

Case Digest: Alexander & Co. vs Ang

Alexander & co vs. Ang G.R. L-6706 May 31, 1955  RULING: The Court found respondents guilty of unfair competition for selling products (Aurora, Agatonica and Mayflower threads) which were, upon examination, similar in appearance to petitioner’s product (Alexander thread). Citing jurisprudence, the court held that to rule ‘unfair competition’, the names need not use the same words. What is to be borne is the use of similar trademark...


RULING: G.R. No. L-26676 July 30, 1982 PHILIPPINE REFINING CO., INC. vs. NG SAM and THE DIRECTOR OF PATENTS FACTS: The sole issue raised in this petition for review of the decision of the Director of patents is whether or not the product of respondent, Ng Sam, which is ham, and those of petitioner consisting of lard, butter, cooking oil and soap are so related that the use of the same trademark "CAMIA" on said goods would likely...

Case Digest: Kho vs. CA

Kho vs CA  [G.R. No. 115758. March 19, 2002] FACTS:  In the case at bar, the petitioner applied for the issuance of a preliminary injunctive order on the ground that she is entitled to the use of the trademark on Chin Chun Su and its container based on her copyright and patent over the same. The respondents, on the other hand, alleged as their defense that Summerville is the exclusive and authorized importer, re-packer and...

Case Digest: 246 Corporation (Rolex Music Lounge) vs. Daway

G.R. No. 157216             November 20, 2003 246 CORPORATION, doing business under the name and style of ROLEX MUSIC LOUNGE vs. HON. REYNALDO B. DAWAY, in his capacity as Presiding Judge of Branch 90 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, MONTRES ROLEX S.A. and ROLEX CENTRE PHIL. LIMITED FACTS: Respondents sued Petitioner for violation of the Trademark Law, contending that the use of the mark “Rolex”...

Case Digest: Developers Group of Companies, Inc. vs. Shangri-la International Hotel Management, Inc

Developers Group of Companies, Inc. vs. Shangri-la International Hotel Management, Inc. et. al. CA- G. R. CVNo. 53351 FACTS: Petitioner was the owner of the “Shangri-La” and the “S” Logo since 1962 and is internationally well-known but is not doing business in the Philippines since early 1980s. Respondent, on the other hand, was the registered owner of the Shangri-la and S logo since 1983 and is using them since then. Petitioner...

Case Digest: Philip Morris v. Court of Appeals and Fortune Tobacco corporation

G.R. No. 91332 July 16, 1993 PHILIP MORRIS, INC., BENSON & HEDGES (CANADA), INC., AND FABRIQUES OF TABAC REUNIES, S.A.,petitioners  vs. THE COURT OF APPEALS AND FORTUNE TOBACCO CORPORATION Philip Morris v. Court of Appeals and Fortune Tobacco corporation  [GR 91332. July 16, 1993] FACTS: Respondent contends that petitioner was not in danger of sustaining irreparable damage by the usage of the former of the product...

Case Digest: Asia Brewery vs. Court of Appeals

Asia Brewery vs. CA GR 103543, 5 July 1993 FACTS: San Miguel Corporation (SMC) filed a complaint against Asia Brewery Inc. (ABI) for infringement of trademark and unfair competition on account of the latter's BEER PALE PILSEN or BEER NA BEER product which has been competing with SMC's SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN for a share of the local beer market.  RULING: The Court ruled that petitioner ABI was guilty of neither infringement nor unfair...

Case Digest: Mcdonalds vs L.C. Big Mak Burger

Mcdonald’s Corporation vs. L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc., et. al., G.R. No. 143993, August 18, 2004 FACTS: The court ruled that the use of the respondents of the “Big Mak” mark infringed the trademark of that of petitioner McDonald’s “Big Mac”. Using the dominancy test, the court reasoned that both marks are closely similar (visually and orally). The law prohibits usage of marks which might cause confusion and mistake or might...

Case Digest: Ong Ai Gui vs. the Director of Patent Office, E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company

G.R. No. L-6235             March 28, 1955 ONG AI GUI alias TAN AI GUI, applicant-petitioner,  vs.the Director of the Philippines Patent Office, respondent.  E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY, intervenor. FACTS: Applicant-petitionerTan Ai gui filed an application with the Director of Patents for the registration of the following tradename: "20th Century Nylon Shirts...


source: Manila Bullet...

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Case Digest: People vs. Del Monte

G.R. No. 179940, April 23, 2008 People vs. NORBERTO DEL MONTE Y GAPAY alias “OBET” Facts: Accused-appellant questioned his conviction, contending that the evidence against him should have been rendered inadmissible for failure to comply with Section 21 of RA 9165. Ruling: Accused-appellants claim that police failed to take pictures of him with the evidence and that the police, who had initial custody, failed to conduct physical inventory...

Case Digest: People vs. Rivera

G.R. No. 182347 People vs. Emilio Rivera Y CABLANG ALIAS `BOY,' October 17, 2008 Facts: Accused-appelant questioned his conviction on the ground that prosecution only relied on the testimony of one witness and that there had been a gap in the seizure and custody of the alleged evidence for failure of the operatives to take inventory of the same. Ruling: This Court takes pride in upholding a most fundamental constitutional right which...