Thursday, June 20, 2019

Slow Reader in Law School

Are you one of those law students who feel frustrated when they've only covered 5 pages of a book they've been reading for an hour?

I read as fast as I talk... and I talk as fast as roadrunner could run. In short, I'm quite a fast reader. Give me a novel, any book, and I'll devour it in a jiffy.
But when I entered law school as a freshman years ago, it was as though I've lost all ability to comprehend words when stitched together in a sentence. I averaged 5-10 pages in an hour... 20 when I'm not paying attention (only to spend another hour re-reading the same thing all over again). I was that slow. While my mates were done with a chapter, I have just turned a page.
You might think I'd improve my speed when I reached senior year after years in law school, but that's not quite the truth. I read just as slow. Well., ok... perhaps I've improved quite a little when I was already on my 3rd reading--- probably 5 more pages faster. Still, that's slow compared to reading other kinds of book, which one can finish in an hour or two.
Everything I've read since my first ever lawbook, I still remember (or at least comprehend) until now.
I was reading slow because, even though I was time-aware, I was more concerned with the quality of how I was reading rather than the amount of materials I was reading.
I was reading slow because I had to methodically examine every word in a paragraph; to pick out salient points; to make sure I retain only the important stuff; to remember; and most importantly, to understand.
When I was reading slow, I was giving my brain time to process the information; Clean parts of my brain to make room for it... to make sure the data has a home where it can remain there.
I didn't blame my brain for working slowly. Instead, I was patient with it... with myself. That's how you make an ally of yourself in the long run, patience.
So if you're going through the same struggle, do not be discouraged. It is part of the process. Trust me when I say things will get better and you will improve.
No baby learned to run without first learning to walk. 
Now, go back to that book, you procrastinator, you! Enjoy!
-Atty. Lapadiday♥
How many pages of a lawbook can you read in an hour?
A. 1-10
C. 20+
D. What read?

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